Dabiq norwegian
ISIS Kills Norwegian, Chinese Captives: Dabiq Propaganda …
18. nov. 2015 — Norway said Wednesday it was investigating claims by ISIS that it has killed Norwegian and Chinese hostages.
Islamic State holds Norwegian for ransom – The Local Norway
Islamic State holds Norwegian for ransom – The Local
9. sep. 2015 — The terror organisation Islamic State has kidnapped a 48-year-old Norwegian graduate student and is demanding ransom money for his release.
The terror organisation Islamic State has kidnapped a 48-year-old Norwegian graduate student and is demanding ransom money for his release. “Note: This is a limited time offer,” the advert reads.
IS demands ransom for Chinese, Norwegian hostages
IS demands ransom for Chinese, Norwegian hostages | The Times of Israel
10. sep. 2015 — Dabiq identifies the Norwegian man as Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad, 48, from Oslo, and the Chinese man as Fan Jinghui, 50, …
Jihadists publish telegram number for anyone to pay unspecified amount in ‘limited time offer’
Alt tyder på at det er over for det en av våre to som har endt …
Alt tyder på at det er over for det en av våre to som har endt opp som IS-gissel – Vårt Land
18. nov. 2015 — … fram til at ble avbildet til salgs i magasinet til IS – Dabiq i. … a Norwegian citizen was being held hostage by the Islamic State.
IS hevder nå at de har drept det norske gisselet som de har hatt i Syria – Ole Johan Grimsgaard Ofstad som ble tatt som gissel i januar, men holdt skjult for norsk presse fram til at ble avbildet til salgs i magasinet til IS – Dabiq i
Norwegian researchers start jihad archive – Sciencenorway.no
Norwegian researchers start jihad archive
6. des. 2016 — Useful archive. Sørensen has also researched Islamic State propaganda, including the magazine Dabiq, which has been read in many countries and …
Jihadists’ propaganda and glossy magazines have now been assembled on a website to facilitate research.
Selected Article Summaries: Dabiq 12 – IS Reveals Bomb …
Selected Article Summaries: Dabiq 12 – IS Reveals Bomb Used on Russian Airliner, Execution of Chinese and Norwegian Hostages; Cantlie Returns | Jihadist News
18. nov. 2015 — Selected Article Summaries: Dabiq 12 – IS Reveals Bomb Used on Russian Airliner, Execution of Chinese and Norwegian Hostages; Cantlie Returns.
SITE Monitoring Service, a service of the SITE Intelligence Group
ISIL advertises Norwegian and Chinese hostages “for sale”
10. sep. 2015 — 9) that it is holding a Norwegian and a Chinese hostage, … as being “for sale” in the latest edition of its online magazine Dabiq.
The men were “abandoned” by their governments, ISIL said.
IS claims to hold Norwegian, Chinese captives
9. sep. 2015 — The extremist group posted pictures of the two men wearing yellow prison outfits in the latest issue of its online magazine Dabiq. It identifies …
Islamic State says it executed Norwegian, Chinese citizens
Refworld | Islamic State says it executed Norwegian, Chinese citizens
19. nov. 2015 — The militants’ Dabiq magazine featured on November 18 graphic photos of two bodies that appeared to be those of Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad and …
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Keywords: dabiq norwegian