Cod in norwegian
COD – norsk oversettelse – engelsk-norsk ordbok
English Norwegian Eksempler av “cod” på norsk. Disse setningene er hentet fra eksterne kilder og kan derfor inneholde feil. tar ikke ansvar for …
Cod – Seafood from Norway
Atlantic cod: Its history is the history of Norway | Norwegian seafood | Seafood from Norway
There are two main populations of cod in Norwegian waters: the coastal cod and the Norwegian-Arctic cod. The coastal cod spends its entire life close to the …
Norway wouldn’t be the country it is today if it were not for a single fish: it all started with the Atlantic cod.
How to say cod in Norwegian – WordHippo
Need to translate “cod” to Norwegian? Here’s how you say it. … How to say cod in Norwegian. Norwegian Translation. torsk. More Norwegian words for cod …
Oversettelse av “cod” til norsk bokmål – Glosbe ordbok
Fraser som ligner på “cod” med oversettelser til norsk bokmål · ling-cod. lake · cod liver. torskelever · salt cod. klippfisk · cod liver oil. tran · Cod War.
cod | Norwegian translation – Cambridge Dictionary
for 6 døgn siden — Translations of cod · タラ, “cash on delivery” の略:現金引換え払い… · morina balığı… · morue [feminine], cabillaud [masculine], morue… · bacallà, …
Skrei – the fish that built Norway | In cod we trust!
Skrei – the fish that built Norway | In cod we trust!
The Norwegian word for cod is “torsk”. It comes from Old Norwegian “tursk”, which means turret (dried fish). Skrei dries on racks outdoors …
Skrei is Norwegian cod at its best, and still the livelihood of many fishermen in Northern Norway. Fresh and dried skrei is one of Norway’s most important export products.
Cod | Norwegian Seafood Company
The migratory cod is available only for a limited time each year, and is named “Skrei” in Norwegian, which translates to “the wanderer”.
Eight reasons to buy Norwegian cod
Eight reasons to buy Norwegian cod | Norwegian Seafood Council | Norwegian Seafood Council
Cod is Norway’s oldest export, dating back to when stockfish provided much needed sustenance for the epic voyages of the Vikings. Leiv Eriksson was said to have …
What makes Norwegian cod so special? Here are eight good reasons you should choose Norwegian origin when it comes to cod.
Cod – Lerøy Seafood
The stationary coastal cod and the migrating Norwegian-Arctic cod. Coastal cod lives on the seabed in shallow waters along the coast, while the Norwegian-Arctic …
Norwegian cod from Lerøy Seafood.
Skrei: Norwegian Arctic Cod – Life in Norway
26. mar. 2017 — Norwegians enjoy cod guilt-free thanks to this tasty, seasonal Arctic variety. Cod, known in Norwegian as torsk, is commonplace on menus the …
Norwegians enjoy cod guilt-free thanks to this tasty, seasonal Arctic variety. Cod, known in Norwegian as torsk, is commonplace on menus the length and breadth of the country.
Keywords: cod in norwegian