Burgundy sauce backwards google translate
What is burgundy sauce backwards? People on TikTok are …
What is burgundy sauce backwards? People on TikTok are warning against the offensive… – PopBuzz
26. apr. 2021 — According to Urban Dictionary, saying burgundy sauce backwards basically sounds like a racial slur. To say it backwards the video actually …
What is burgundy sauce said backwards? People on TikTok are warning against the offensive trend.
Burgundy sauce – Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary: Burgundy sauce
Saying burgundy sauce is a trend made by some immature 9th graders. Burgundy sauce in backwards, basically says a racial slur or word.
If you searched it up before you said said it… you’re lucky. I’ve been a victim of this stupid shit before too. Saying burgundy sauce is a trend made by some immature 9th graders. Burgundy sauce in backwards, basically says a racial slur or word. You guessed it… the “n-word” . Don’t even try it, you’ll just regret it. (Saucy n-word)
TikTok: What Does ‘Burgundy Sauce’ Backwards Say?
What Does ‘Burgundy Sauce’ Backwards Mean On TikTok? People Warn Against Offensive Trend
9. aug. 2021 — When the phrase “burgundy sauce” is recorded and played back in reverse, an offensive racial slur – “saucy n****r* can be heard. Lots of TikTok …
TikTok users are trying to cancel this trend after it was found to be offensive.
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4. Beaujolais – the beauty produced by gamay…
4. Beaujolais – the beauty produced by gamay… – Burgundy-Report
19. jul. 2016 — The wines of Beaujolais can age as well as any wine from Burgundy … an accent like cooking a sauce with Marsala – aged Beaujolais has a …
Keywords: burgundy sauce backwards google translate