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Feb 22, 2023 – Find the perfect place to stay at an amazing price in 191 countries. Belong anywhere with Airbnb.

Inside Airbnb: Home

Inside Airbnb is a mission driven project that provides data and advocacy about Airbnb’s impact on residential communities. We work towards a vision where data …

Adding data to the debate

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Airbnb – Startside

Airbnb. 16244027 likes · 68793 talking about this. World’s largest community driven hospitality company offering homes & experiences Have a question…

Airbnb. 16.247.640 Synes godt om · 63.444 taler om dette. World’s largest community driven hospitality company offering homes & experiencesHave a…

The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’: The …

The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’: The Collaborative … – Jeroen A. Oskam – Google Bøker

3. jul. 2020 — Airbnb. Software Development. San Francisco, CA 2,293,855 followers. Airbnb is a community based on connection and belonging.

This book deconstructs the ‘sharing’ marketing narratives surrounding Airbnb and similar platforms. It provides a conceptual analysis of the ‘sharing economy’ and accommodation sector and furthers the ongoing discussion surrounding Airbnb and the social sustainability of city tourism. The volume analyses the touristification of neighbourhoods in the context of broader economic and ideological shifts, thus bridging the gap between academic and social debate. It presents four different city scenarios of potential future developments and evaluates the effects of different regulatory responses, giving readers an understanding of the forces and factors at work and envisioning the ultimate consequences of current developments. The book will appeal to students and researchers in tourism and hospitality studies, futures studies and urban planning, as well as to policymakers and strategists in the hospitality and tourism sectors.

The Power of Ethics: How to Make Good Choices in a …

The Power of Ethics: How to Make Good Choices in a Complicated World – Susan Liautaud – Google Bøker

5.2m Followers, 1676 Following, 3473 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Airbnb (@airbnb)

The essential guide for ethical decision-making in the 21st century, The Power of Ethics depicts “ethical decision-making not in a nebulous philosophical space, but at the point where the rubber meets the road” (Michael Schur, producer and creator of The Good Place).It’s not your imagination: we’re living in a time of moral decline. Publicly, we’re bombarded with reports of government leaders acting against the welfare of their constituents; companies prioritizing profits over health, safety, and our best interests; and technology posing risks to society with few or no repercussions for those responsible. Personally, we may be conflicted about how much privacy to afford our children on the internet; how to make informed choices about our purchases and the companies we buy from; or how to handle misconduct we witness at home and at work. How do we find a way forward? Today’s ethical challenges are increasingly gray, often without a clear right or wrong solution, causing us to teeter on the edge of effective decision-making. With concentrated power structures, rapid advances in technology, and insufficient regulation to protect citizens and consumers, ethics are harder to understand than ever. But in The Power of Ethics, Susan Liautaud shows how ethics can be used to create a sea change of positive decisions that can ripple outward to our families, communities, workplaces, and the wider world—offering unprecedented opportunity for good. Drawing on two decades as an ethics advisor guiding corporations and leaders, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and students in her Stanford University ethics courses, Susan Liautaud provides clarity to blurry ethical questions, walking you through a straightforward, four-step process for ethical decision-making you can use every day. Liautaud also explains the six forces driving virtually every ethical choice we face. Exploring some of today’s most challenging ethics dilemmas and showing you how to develop a clear point of view, speak out with authority, make effective decisions, and contribute to a more ethical world for yourself and others, The Power of Ethics is the must-have ethics guide for the 21st century.

Tourism and Gentrification in Contemporary Metropolises: …

Tourism and Gentrification in Contemporary Metropolises: International … – Google Bøker

Tourism gentrification is a critical shaping force of socio-economic and contemporary urban landscapes. This book aims to be the first substantive text on this subject, explaining the multiple and complex relationships between tourism and gentrification and their outcomes and manifestations in contemporary metropolises. This is achieved by drawing on in-depth case analyses addressing the different issues at stake. Part I deals with the manifestations of tourism gentrification and the ways it affects urban landscapes through heritagization and urban regeneration strategies. Part II looks at the correlations between tourism gentrification and culture. Finally, the last two parts aim to identify and examine forms and expressions of tourism gentrification, distinguishing among the actors, beneficiaries, and victims of the phenomenon while looking at its implications for intra-metropolitan territories and metropolitan governance. The book approaches these issues in an innovative way, by looking at a variety of metropolises in a diverse range of countries and by dealing with the different relations and management issues generated by gentrification in relation to tourism. Through interdisciplinary approaches, this groundbreaking text sheds light on the role tourism plays in contemporary metropolises, furthering knowledge of urban tourism. For these reasons, it will be of particular interest to scholars and students of tourism, urban studies, geography, anthropology and sociology.

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Airbnb (@airbnb) • Instagram photos and videos

5M Followers, 1,697 Following, 3,471 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Airbnb (@airbnb)

Keywords: airbnb com, www airbnb com, airbnb english